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Volunteer Help


Want to lend a hand? We welcome your help!

Grandview Skating Club (GSC) is a nonā€profit, volunteer-run club. All club operations, except coaching, are carried out by parent volunteers so volunteer work is essential to the quality and success of our club. 

GSC relies on families to be engaged in volunteer support and fundraising efforts to help keep our costs down. This allows us to partially subsidize skating program fees and make our programs more accessible.

To assist in our goals, each STARSkate family is required to contribute a $240 volunteer bond which is equivalent to eight volunteer hours (for fall registrants). The bond is prorated for Winter ($180 / 6 hrs) and Spring (no requirement) registrations.

Each Adult Skater and STAR 1 family is required to contribute a $120 volunteer bond which is equivalent to four volunteer hours (for fall registrants). The bond is prorated for Winter ($90 / 3 hrs) and Spring (no requirement) registrations.

A deposit is held on your credit card as part of the registration process and upon fulfillment of volunteer obligations, the deposit is waived.  You can opt out of volunteering by donating your volunteer bond to the Club. Please advise a Board Member for assistance with this. Fundraising events and volunteer opportunities will be announced via email and signup opportunities will be available on our website. 

Our Volunteer Coordinator will be tracking your participation and will confirm with you when your commitment is met. If you are not able to contribute to the fund-raising effort, your bond will be cashed.

Our ongoing fundraising opportunities include: Purdy’s, Return-It recycling, Growing Smilies Flowers, and more to come. An example of completing your volunteer hours through fundraising would be if you purchase $200 of Purdy’s chocolates, the 25% returned to the club would be applied to your bond. We are also actively recruiting new board members and would be happy to welcome anyone with an interest in communications, website design or accounting.

We look forward to seeing all of you at Trout Lake Rink. If you have any questions, please contact us at and thank you for being a member of the Grandview Skating Club!


How to sign up....

A  list of current volunteer opportunities is available through the link below. Everyone is welcome to volunteer, regardless of the program you are taking.  If you have other ideas of ways to help, we'd love to hear them!

Sign up here


Mission: The Grandview Skating Club encourages skaters, in all aspects of skating, to achieve their potential in a fun, supportive community.
 We acknowledge the financial support of the Province of British Columbia